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write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "How to Care for a Child With Cerebral Palsy". Here is a brief on what the article is going to be about: "In this quick guide, you will learn how to care for someone with cerebral palsy. This includes how they should walk, their diet, and the various types of therapy they may need".

Caring for someone with cerebral palsy can be challenging. So it's important that caregivers understand not just treatment methods but also basic facts about cerebral palsy. In this quick guide, you will learn how to care for someone with cerebral palsy. You will learn how they should walk, their diet, and the various types of therapy they may need. After reading this article you will have a better understanding of how to care for a child with cerebral palsy.


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Cerebral palsy is a disorder that involves damage to the areas of the brain that control movement, muscle coordination and balance. It affects both motor control and coordination in an individual. Although it can occur any time between birth and adulthood, it typically appears in early childhood. Cerebral palsy can appear with other physical disabilities. However, most children experience normal development until late in the pregnancy or soon after birth when their condition becomes apparent (Mayo Clinic).


People with cerebral palsy may walk in a variety of different ways that don't necessarily resemble normal walking. The following are some common patterns shoe  :

"Push to Walk" This pattern is the most common type of walking movement in individuals with cerebral palsy and involves pushing off with their hands to move forward. As the affected person moves forward, they are reliant on their arms being strong enough to support their weight. At first glance, this may appear as if the individual is walking on all fours. However, they can always walk upright as they balance themselves in this position.


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"Step to Walk" With this type of walking pattern, individuals move in a series of steps using their hands rather than pushing off like in the "push to walk". These walking patterns are not always easy for those with cerebral palsy. Individuals may have to relearn how to walk when they are older. When a person is learning how to walk again, it is an important time for them and their parent or caregiver. It's also important that caregivers understand how the child is learning new ways of walking (Mayo Clinic).


The majority of children with cerebral palsy can be born with low blood sugar levels. This may be brought on or maintained by a deficiency of insulin. Insulin is produced by the pancreas in the body. A lack of insulin will result in the body's cells being unable to use sugar as a source of energy. Due to this, the body will convert fat into sugar so that it can be used by cells. It is at this point that people with cerebral palsy may develop diabetes (Mayo Clinic).


Current information suggests that children with cerebral palsy do not have any more pain or discomfort than healthy children (Mayo Clinic). As with adults, there is no need for special treatments for children with cerebral palsy.


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